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Radical Groups That Support Abortions Up to Birth Endorse Joe Biden for Re-Election

Joe Biden has an extensive record promoting abortions up to birth as president. So it’s no surprise three major national organizations that support abortion up to birth have endorsed his reelection campaign.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America and Emily’s List, the three most radical pro-abortion groups in the country, all want Biden back for another four years to continue his agenda of expanding abortion. These groups not only support unlimited abortions up to birth, they want Americans to be forced to fund abortions and they actively oppose legislation to stop infanticide.

“I think that President Biden has been an incredibly valuable partner, along with Vice President Harris, in fighting back against the onslaught of attacks that we have seen,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “We are heading into an election where opposition is very clear — they are pushing for a national ban. And we have an administration that has taken actual steps to protect patients and providers during this health care crisis. The choice is really clear.”

“There is so much at stake,” the abortion activist added. “We know, clear as day, that if anti-abortion politicians gain control of the White House, they will exploit their power toward their ultimate goal: a national abortion ban.”

“President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are the strongest advocates for reproductive freedom ever to occupy the White House, and NARAL Pro-Choice America proudly endorses their reelection,” said NARAL Pro-Choice America president Mini Timmaraju. “It’s as simple as this: Abortion matters to Americans. In elections since the Supreme Court took away our right to abortion, voters have mobilized in massive numbers to elect Democrats who will fight to restore it. Americans know the extremist GOP stacked the courts to take away our freedoms, and they won’t forget it.”

Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, said the president and the vice president were proud to have earned the support of the groups. Since the decision last year by the Supreme Court, “we have seen the horrifying impact that the extreme MAGA agenda has on women’s health,” she said.

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“MAGA Republicans promising a national abortion ban makes the stakes for reelecting President Biden and Vice President Harris all the more important,” she said in a statement.

The three pro-abortion groups will join Biden at a rally today with the Democratic National Committee in Washington to announce the endorsement.

Like these radical groups, Biden and his administration also support killing unborn babies in abortions up to birth. He has been pressuring Congress to pass a radical pro-abortion bill nicknamed the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act. Although supporters claim it would merely “codify Roe” into federal law, the bill actually would erase basically all abortion restrictions nationwide, including parental consent for minors, informed consent and bans on late-term abortions.

National | Steven Ertelt

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