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Politifact Claims Planned Parenthood Didn’t Aid Child Sex Traffickers, Because Planned Parenthood...

Pro-life leaders called out a bogus PolitiFact article this week for claiming Planned Parenthood does not aid sex traffickers simply because the abortion chain says it doesn’t. In the “fact check,” PolitiFact writer Sara Swann examined a comment by Lila Rose, the president and founder of Live Action, about the abortion chain covering up child sexual abuse. “Planned Parenthood helps human traffickers continue to abuse & sell children,” Rose said in a July 16 post on Instagram. “Planned Parenthood is a pillar of the sex trafficking industry.” As evidence, Live Action pointed to a series of undercover videos it published in 2011 exposing Planned Parenthood employees’ misdeeds. As a result, the abortion chain fired at least one employee and promised to re-train thousands of others. PolitiFact acknowledged these corrective actions but still rated Rose’s comment as “false.” And its basis primarily was Planned Parenthood’s own word, the Family Research Council responded Friday. “Live Action recently re-shared their undercover footage of Planned Parenthood aiding sex traffickers to obtain abortions for minors,” FRC wrote on Twitter. “PolitiFact labeled it false. Why? Because Planned Parenthood said so.” Meanwhile, Live Action slammed the report as “insane.” Posing a question to the author, it wondered if Swann would claim the Holocaust was “false” if Hitler said it was. “This is insane. You are marking our posts FALSE by using THE TARGET OF OUR OUR INVESTIGATION as your SOURCE,” the pro-life organization responded on Twitter. “Awful journalism. Awful fact-checking.”

Pro-life leaders called out a bogus PolitiFact article this week for claiming Planned Parenthood does not aid sex traffickers simply because the abortion chain says it doesn’t. In the “fact check,” PolitiFact writer Sara Swann examined a comment by Lila Rose, the president and founder of Live Action, about the abortion chain covering up child sexual abuse. “Planned Parenthood helps human traffickers continue to abuse & sell children,” Rose said in a July 16 post on Instagram. “Planned Parenthood is a pillar of the sex trafficking industry.” As evidence, Live Action pointed to a series of undercover videos it published in 2011 exposing Planned Parenthood employees’ misdeeds. As a result, the abortion chain fired at least one employee and promised to re-train thousands of others. PolitiFact acknowledged these corrective actions but still rated Rose’s comment as “false.” And its basis primarily was Planned Parenthood’s own word, the Family Research Council responded Friday. “Live Action recently re-shared their undercover footage of Planned Parenthood aiding sex traffickers to obtain abortions for minors,” FRC wrote on Twitter. “PolitiFact labeled it false. Why? Because Planned Parenthood said so.” Meanwhile, Live Action slammed the report as “insane.” Posing a question to the author, it wondered if Swann would claim the Holocaust was “false” if Hitler said it was. “This is insane. You are marking our posts FALSE by using THE TARGET OF OUR OUR INVESTIGATION as your SOURCE,” the pro-life organization responded on Twitter. “Awful journalism. Awful fact-checking.” “Planned Parenthood staff fired an employee only AFTER our investigation was released,” Live Action continued. “The videos are TRUE.” Swann’s “fact check” did include the fact that Planned Parenthood fired an employee after a 2011 video showed the New Jersey staffer “advising undercover Live Action actors on how an underage prostitute could continue to work after having an abortion.” What the article did not mention is how the staffer advised an undercover investigator posing as a pimp that he could keep sex trafficking a girl immediately post-abortion as long as the rape was “waist up.” However, because “the clinic’s staff notified law enforcement of an alleged sex trafficking ring following this incident, and Planned Parenthood fired the employee shortly after the video was released,” that makes Live Action’s claims somehow untrue, according to PolitiFact. Another video from Live Action showed a Planned Parenthood staffer in Virginia telling investigators posing as human traffickers how to skirt the state parental consent law through judicial bypass and get abortions for 14- and 15-year-old victims without their parents’ knowledge. However, the fact checker dismissed the findings, arguing that the Virginia “employee appears to follow protocol by informing the couple about their legal rights to privacy.” Virginia law does allow what is called “judicial bypass,” meaning an underage girl may ask permission from a judge for an abortion instead of her parents. However, this does not make the employee’s actions ethical. The remainder of the “fact check” hinged on Planned Parenthood’s own denials of the allegations. The abortion chain complained that the undercover videos were “heavily doctored, often merging together disparate pieces of conversation to create false impressions and remove critical context.” PolitiFact also pointed to the abortion chain’s own analysis of the undercover videos, which, unsurprisingly, found “Live Action’s videos omitted large parts of conversations.” Additionally, PolitiFact referred to a promise from Planned Parenthood leaders in 2011to retrain its thousands of staffers on handling and reporting underage sexual abuse to authorities.

Correcting the problem means the videos uncovered a problem, but the “fact checker” claimed Rose’s comments were “false.”

Rose responded by blaming the media for ignoring the abuse of women and children. Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar abortion chain that receives hundreds of millions of Americans’ tax dollars every year and has massive political power.

“Instead of helping victims get to freedom, Planned Parenthood perpetuates human trafficking, inflicting more violence on women & children, then sends them right back into the hands of their captors,” Rose said. “The media is silent.”

National | Micaiah Bilger | Jul 21, 2023 | 4:29PM | Washington, DC

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