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Planned Parenthood CEOs Make Over $300,000 a Year Killing Babies in Abortions

At Planned Parenthood, killing babies is their business and business is good.

A new report shows that the average CEO of the many affiliate of the abortion corporation across the country average $317,000 in salary a year. That’s a lot of money for heading up Planned Parenthood abortion centers across the nation.In fact, a new report shows Planned Parenthood executives are among the highest-paid in the U.S. in the not-for-profit sector, surpassing the average salary for nonprofit CEOs.

American Life League’s STOPP International, an organization that has monitor the Planned Parenthood abortion chain for decades, recently released a report titled “The STOPP International 2023 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation,”which details the enormous financial compensation P;lanned parenthood bigwigs earn.

The abortion giant pulled down $1.9 billion in government grants and disbursements over the past three years and has more than $2.7 billion in assets, according to its most recent financial report, the report said. Katie Brown, who serves as director of communications for American Life League, noted in a statement provided to Fox News Digital that Planned Parenthood took in $670.4 million in taxpayer money while dispensing $16.8 million to its affiliate CEOs in 2020. The average salary for the CEOs at Planned Parenthood affiliates was $317,000, according to Planned Parenthood’s most recent data, Brown said. The average salary for nonprofit CEOs in the U.S. is $184,809, according to REACH PRO-LIFE PEOPLE WORLDWIDE! Advertise with LifeNews to reach hundreds of thousands of pro-life readers every week. Contact us today. STOPP International also observed in its report that the highest-paid Planned Parenthood CEO was a White woman who made $616,926 in 2020. The second- and third-highest earners at Planned Parenthood were White men who pulled down $592,432 and $570,726.

Ironically, as Planned Parenthood talks about supposedly representing women and black Americans, the lowest-paid Planned Parenthood CEO was a black woman.

“It’s disingenuous that in Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report they claim to be committed to breaking down ‘barriers of structural racism that block access to care,’ when they so obviously haven’t done so in their own organization,” Brown said.

Ultimately, “If there’s one thing that this report makes clear, it is proof that at Planned Parenthood, the rich get richer while the poor get abortions,” Brown explained.

The new report comes as the Planned Parenthood abortion business is laying off 15% of its staff nationwide as more states pass laws protecting babies from abortion.

Nearly one year after the Dobbs decision allowed states to legally protect unborn children, Planned Parenthood officials say they’re preparing to restructure the organization’s national office and lay off dozens of staff members. About 80 people are expected to be let go as Planned Parenthood cuts employees to tighten its belt as it makes less money from killing babies.

America’s biggest abortion business says it’s going to focus more on helping its local affiliates and more on telehealth – which likely means pushing the dangerous abortion pill. It plans to spend $70 million expanding its 49 affiliates and to “build a powerful movement for abortion access at the local and state level.”

The abortion giant will also start a new initiative to further Margaret Sanger’s goals by promoting abortion more to black women.

And it plans to do even more political advocacy as it continues shifting away from any form of legitimate health and becomes even more of an abortion business than it is now.

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